Mike Johnson's Validation with his daughter Autumn through Gordon Smith, Fara Gibson, and Ernie Jackson
- Nov
- 25
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Autumn / Gordon Smith / Fara Gibson / Ernie Jackson
The following is an account of what transpired between two mediums (Fara Gibson and Gordon Smith) and me at the Helping Parents Heal Third Conference in August, 2024. I hope you find the time to read this in its entirety, as I believe it can bring some hope for all parents.
Today is a special day (written on 21 NOV 24) as it is Autumn’s 24th Birthday. 21 years with us and three with God. I write this with a heavy heart but in it - I find unlimited hope. I know most of you reading this are in the same position I am in. You have lost something dear to your heart and strive for any contact with them.
When I hear about a gallery reading, I ask my daughter to make contact with the medium weeks prior. And hours prior it is the only thing on my mind. It feels like I exist only to move from one contact or sign to the next. And when Autumn doesn’t show - I get depressed. Almost to the point I feel jealous of other parents. Even though I know she is there, and if given enough time, she will speak. I also know that the kids that need to come through to give a message or hope to a parent - they come through. When Autumn comes through - I know it is your children that are allowing it. The kids know who needs a message of hope and they support that effort. What happened during the conference needed to happen, when it needed to happen, in order for me to relay this information to you today.
So I come to you with this message of hope, giving you something uplifting, something that will stay with you on the dark days. Today is a dark day - two weeks from today will be a dark day. But as I started with; even on the dark days there is hope. So here is what happened that conference…
My wife and I arrived at the hotel a day early to get settled. While at the hotel bar the first night I noticed Fara Gibson talking to a few people at a different table. A few months earlier Autumn came to her in a gallery reading, so I know they are familiar with each other. I told Autumn, “Go get her. You know her. Send her over here.” A few minutes later Fara came to my table and started small talk. I asked several questions about the afterlife and connecting with Autumn.
Fara patiently listened to each of my questions about heaven and spirits and answered all of them. One of the questions I asked her was, “Does Autumn send eagles to me as a sign?” Fara looked at me and became visually excited. She said, “Yes she does, I know.” She then told me Autumn was talking to her and sent her to me. Fara explained that she could not start talking about eagles, because it would look like she was putting ideas in my head. But since I started the conversation about eagles, she was okay talking about it.
Now this is where it gets interesting. Fara asked me, “was there a time when you were concerned about your propeller coming apart?” Then she made a motion of pulling something apart. It didn’t take long for me to understand what she was asking, “My rotor blade?” I asked. Fara said, “Propeller, I only understand propeller. You have to understand Autumn is using my Rolodex to get the image to me.” I told her yes, there was a time, 22 years ago, when I was flying cross country in my Blackhawk. During the pre-flight inspection I discovered one of my rotor blades was cracked and disbonded. The blade still was holding a nitrogen charge, so it was not completely cracked. I was flying with my maintenance test pilot, and I asked him if it was safe to fly, he said “maybe.” I asked what the chances are it falls apart and kills us, he said “50/50.” I told him, “Well sh*t then, let’s go fly, those are pretty good odds!!”
So, to breakdown what happened - Autumn reached back into a forgotten memory of mine, from a time when she was 3 months old, separated by 3000 miles, and gave it to Fara. Autumn gave her an image of my rotor blade being cracked and Fara explained it the best way possible. This is not something I think about on the regular. It has been about 10 years since I even thought about it. And no one knows because it is a flight violation and both of us would have lost our ‘wings’ if this was disclosed - so it was kept on the down low. Only my crew chief, maintenance test pilot and I knew anything about it.
This is what it took for me to KNOW that Autumn was with me. Autumn pulled out a memory of mine that she had never been a part of to prove it is her. She knew that would be the only thing to convince me.
Fara also gave me four other pieces of evidence. All of which are not normal conversation or written down anywhere but were 100% accurate. This was just to make sure I would have no doubt.
So, what does that mean? If my girl was there at the conference, then all of our kids were there. All of the kids can be contacted. All the kids are a part of your lives, day to day, hour to hour. They can reach back into your memories and retrieve them. They are alive and with us. If it is true for me - it is true for all of you.
When you are on this journey, you start off distressed and discouraged. There is a whole lot of darkness in the beginning. For me it was like I was hollow and black on the inside, my heart and soul ripped out of me. The misery made the simplest things difficult. Then over time you gain a small amount of hope, then a little faith, then believing with a bit of skepticism and then trusting. And finally, KNOWING. For me it took 2 1/2 years to get to this point. Many days during this journey I did not think I would ever get there. I am positive that’s what our children want for each of us, and that is where I left that evening, KNOWING. And that in itself was remarkable, but it did not stop there.
The next day Dennis Zahorchak introduced me to Gordon Smith. I had been wearing a small stuffed eagle on my shoulder that my wife bought me after Fara confirmed Autumn sends them as messages. Gordon named the eagle “Chip.” I looked at him quizzically, and he replied, “For the chip on your shoulder.” The next morning Gordon asked my wife if she was the one whose husband had an eagle on his shoulder. She said yes, and Gordon said, “I will return your husband a changed man today.”
After the men’s book class Gordon came in to speak to us. Most of what he talked about was his vision; moving from giving readings to teaching mediumship so that more parents can be helped. A few minutes after he started talking, I felt Autumn was near. I listened intently to Gordon and watched as he paused every few minutes pointing to the ceiling.
Then Gordon said “JOHNSON. Does anyone know a Mr, Johnson?” I heard JOHNSTON, so I just sat there waiting for someone to speak up. I still felt like my girl was near but did not understand fully what was going on. In his Scottish accent he repeated “JOHNSON, does that mean anything to anyone?” Then he said “Autumn Johnson.” I was floored. Really not able to speak, I sat there for a second.
The next thing Gordon said was Lake Lucille. That is important because I live right next to Lake Lucille (a hotel, dining, and conference center) and we were there for dinner with friends a few days before leaving for the HPH conference. And because most of you were there I will not go into details, but he definitely brought my daughter to me. And the Mr. Johnson coming thru was my father who died a few months prior. Several other things were said that were spot on, including information about the HFH founder Mike Edwards and his son, Dylan.
That evening, I spoke with Gordon in the hotel. He saw me with the eagle on my shoulder and said he was going to rename it. I looked at him quizzically, “What do you got?” Without hesitation, he responded, “Good Samaritan.” I was floored. That is important because that is what the news media called my daughter after she was murdered by a hit and run driver. She was struck by a moving truck when she stopped to help a driver involved in a roll-over accident and the news stories all called her the Good Samaritan. Now that information could be found on the internet with some ease. But it still struck me as odd.
Then Gordon told me, “Don’t worry about the red barn and 10 scholarships.” Why is that important? Because Autumn always wanted to start her own VET CLINIC that looks like a red barn. She even made a drawing of the clinic for one of her scholarship applications. The 10 scholarships are important because that is the goal of the foundation. Autumn’s boss told me that if he had 10 Autumn’s - he would take over the world. So, I figured that if I can provide 10 scholarships - I can make up the loss of Autumn in the Veterinary world. My girl was with me at the convention and making herself known to one of the most respected and accomplished mediums in the world.
That night I could not sleep. But I had found a peace that I had not known in two years. The next day two competing classes were being given. One was a Q&A with Gordon Smith and another about forgiveness. It was a tough call, but I chose ‘Forgiveness.’ While in the class the instructor, Ernie Jackson, mentioned a movie called “The Shack.” Just then it felt like a lightning bolt hit me. A voice told me that I must get up and speak. I thought, “Hell no - I’m not a public speaker!” The voice returned with a promise - “If you get up - the words will be given to you.” When Ernie asked if someone had anything to say, I raised my hand. He was looking left so missed my hand and called on someone else. That was my out and I didn’t have speak!
When that gentleman finished, Ernie asked if anyone else would like to speak. I wanted to sit back quietly but I again raised my hand, and the presenter asked me to stand up. I did. I moved to the front of the room and turned around. To my amazement the class was filled. It was at this time I doubted my decision to speak. But I had faith that the words would come so I began speaking.
I figured this could go one of two ways - either I go off the handle about the guy who murdered my daughter - or I forgive the guy who murdered my daughter. I decided to forgive him. Why? Because I think that was what my daughter was trying to tell me months ago when she put someone in my path while I was at my father’s funeral. This person gave me two books, one titled, “How to forgive when you don’t really feel like it” and the second, “The Shack.” And when the presenter mentioned “The Shack.” I knew this was Autumn giving me something I could not turn my back on.
Later that evening Gordon asked me why I didn’t go to the Q&A. I told him about the forgiveness class and how I felt I needed to go. I started talking to Gordon about what happened around my daughter getting murdered and the guy not being prosecuted. I advised Gordon that I had to do the accident investigation myself from 3,000 miles away because the troopers and the DA would not take the case. I didn’t give up on my daughter and made them press charges.
On Jan 24th the man who killed my daughter was brought to trial and the jury failed to convict him because of an incompetent trooper. As I explained this to Gordon, he turned to me and said, “Michael, you were never going to get justice.” I told him I worked so hard to get justice for my daughter. I fought incompetent police, a lazy DA, a horrible AG, a disinterested IG and a corrupt court system for 2 years, only to have a Trooper lie on the stand and let the felon walk free. Gordon said, “Michael, I understand. You were never going to get justice. If you were to get justice you would not be here today.” I hung my head and started to cry; I was sad for my daughter, but I understood what he was saying.
Gordon then talked in code about my glovebox and how I needed to remove what was in it. That is where I keep my handgun when I am outside the house. I told him I understand and would do that. He told me that Autumn forgave the guy who killed her, and it was my time to do the same. It was my time to move forward with great things in her name and that she, and a host of others, were paving the way to make great things happen on the other side.
So that evening - it was confirmed to me, for the third night in a row; our kids are with us. Each of us - all of the time. That evening, Gordon spoke a lot about things of the past, currently happening and what the future holds. Everything that he spoke about in the past was 100 percent correct. And after the way he spoke about the future, I look forward to the great things that are on the horizon.
The conference came to an end, and I was able to speak with Gordon one last time before returning home. He said to me, “Before you leave, you will get something blue.” On the way to the airport Darlene and I stopped at a mall to grab a few gifts. On our way out we seen a Henna store. We stopped in and both got a tattoo. I chose a simple two letters that summed up my girl. “G/S” Because we were in a hurry the tech started mine without talking to me. She picked up a blue pen and began, just as Gordon predicted a few minutes earlier. The tattoo said “G/S” - for Gordon Smith!!! Also, for Good Samaritan.
I would like to think that you can take something from my experience and use it. We all start in the same despair - but you can be certain, our kids are all around us, every day. They see you and are involved in everything you do. Talk to them. Ask them for signs. You can still communicate with them - just differently.
Peace and love to all.
~Mike Johnson, Autumn’s proud Dad.
- Kathleen Serge's Validation with her son Andrew through Judith Hancox
- Jackie Smith Erlandson's Validation Story with her son Patrick through Mitch Ott