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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Nancy Hejna’s Validation with her sons Will and Joey (and others) through Daniel John

Nancy Hejna’s Validation with her sons Will and Joey (and others) through Daniel John

  • Posted
    • Jun
    • 11
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson

Daniel John/Three Williams and a Joey

The photo shared here was taken about 20 years ago. From right to left - my father-in-law, ex-husband, oldest son (all named William), and my youngest son, Joey - are pictured celebrating an epic fishing day. They are together once again across the veil, my ex-husband being the most recent passing one year ago on 6/6/23. During the HPH Zoom group reading by Daniel John on 6/6/24, ALL of these loved ones came through to Daniel along with a handful of others! It was phenomenal, evidential, and incredibly healing.

Daniel started the session by listing off a number of impressions from Spirit: a rollercoaster; the letter “T”; number 15; hat with rainbows; the name Gerry; circles like a Ferris wheel. Each of these pieces of information fit one of my family members on the other side. I raised my hand tentatively thinking, ‘If this is for me, a whole bunch of people are here to communicate with Daniel,’ and I was absolutely right! He brought healing, heart-felt messages from my father-in-law and ex-husband, nailed their personality, and shared details that could only be from them. It was exactly what I needed to hear at the perfect time. I know now that both of these men were intent on providing my daughters and I comforting validations to help us move forward. My son Joey contributed a great shared memory through Daniel to help me understand the importance of finally ‘building a foundation’ after more than a decade of riding the ‘roller coaster’ of loss.

I am forever grateful to my HPH family and to Daniel John for this beautiful, unforgettable experience.

~Nancy Hejna, Caring Listener, mom to Will & Joey

Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here

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