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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Nancy Hejna’s Validation with her sons Will and Joey through Manisha Akhauri

Nancy Hejna’s Validation with her sons Will and Joey through Manisha Akhauri

  • Posted
    • Jan
    • 27
    • 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson

Will & Joey / Manisha Akhauri


I had the honor of receiving a comforting message from my sons in Spirit, Will & Joey, pictured here when they were younger. As a ‘sitter’ almost three years ago for Manisha Akhauri as part of her mediumship certification process, I looked forward to the HPH group reading, knowing just how talented she is.


Manisha brought through beautiful validations, confirming that my boys were with her, including: finding hearts in clouds (I have a picture of five cloud hearts, all in one photo that serves as my phone screensaver); seeing two large birds high in the sky (I had just spotted two eagles on a weekend hike); feathers at my feet (many); double rainbow, one in particular (I received an exquisite double rainbow on my birthday).


Manisha also relayed a message during the reading that I believe applies to many HPH parents, embarking on new projects, passions, and works to honor our kids in Spirit. The message in summary: “We are so proud of you. Do not doubt your efforts. You are helping  many others. Trust that you are infinite — much larger than you know. Don’t miss the forest by looking only at the trees. Know there is a bigger picture. Think big! We are lifting you up. We will support you and never let you fail.”


I had asked my sons earlier in the day to weigh in on my recent decision to take on an important task of somewhat intimidating proportion. I have doubts about my abilities. With perfect timing Will & Joey came through with assurance and love thanks to Manisha’s beautiful connection.


Deep gratitude to Manisha and all of HPH for creating such magical opportunities.


~Nancy Hejna, HPH Caring Listener

Please watch the Youtube video by clicking here.  

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