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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
NEW AFFILIATE GROUP! Helping Parents Heal - Danbury, CT

NEW AFFILIATE GROUP! Helping Parents Heal - Danbury, CT

  • Posted
    • Nov
    • 1
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson

Elise Hingson

Please join me, Kathy MacMannisPatti May, and Rosanne Groover Norris in welcoming the newest member of our team! Elise Hingson will be leading a group for parents in Danbury, CT. We are so grateful that she will be joining us with the support of her beautiful daughter, Ava.

From Elise:

After my only child, Ava, transitioned to the spirit world due to a fatal horseback riding accident, I began to sense and feel her loving presence—not only through mediums but also through my own deeply personal experiences. I’ve come to understand that we all have the ability to raise our awareness and connect with the spiritual realm, where our children now reside.

One of the most comforting realizations I’ve had is to never doubt the signs and feelings that come from my beloved Ava. Trusting in those moments has been a source of healing for me, and I know it can be for you as well.

I truly look forward to meeting you. I have faith that our Shining Light children, will be eager to bring us all together. When we gather, whether through Zoom or in person, we will share in the beautiful and joyous energy that arises when our hearts connect.

Our time together during the group’s meeting will provide a supportive space for open discussions about spiritual experiences and afterlife evidence. Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of religious or non-religious background. I’m confident that through our shared experiences, we will find hope, healing, and understanding.

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