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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent
New Affiliate Group in NorthEast Florida with Beverly Birtley and Laura McKeithen

New Affiliate Group in NorthEast Florida with Beverly Birtley and Laura McKeithen

  • Posted
    • Oct
    • 8
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Beverly Birtley and her son James / Laura McKeithen with Edie & Liza
Please join me, Kathy MacMannis, Rosanne Groover Norris, and Patti May as we welcome our newest Co-Affiliate Leader, Laura McKeithen and Beverly Holmes Birtley of HPH - NorthEast Florida! Welcome to our team!
Beverly Birtley
I’m a mom of two beautiful kids – daughter Sarah who is 29 and son James (23) in spirit, who passed in Nov. 2022 from fentanyl poisoning. Even in my early grief I was searching for ways to connect with my son and eager to learn more about the “other side” and where he was! I am so thankful to have found Helping Parents Heal only two months after his transition. I’m also grateful that my spiritual journey began a few years before this, so I knew his soul/spirit continued on and I was curious to learn more how to communicate with him in that other realm!
We have horses so being around them and out in nature is therapeutic for me and has helped tremendously with my healing journey, along with connecting with other parents who experienced this loss. I’m looking forward to helping others with a local HPH group!
Laura McKeithen
I had the pleasure of mothering three wonderful children, including two daughters in Spirit. My older daughter, Edie passed away at age 9 due to a rare degenerative disorder. After Edie’s diagnosis in 1999, I developed an interest in life after death and reincarnation. That served me well when her younger sister, the ever-vivacious Liza, transitioned suddenly before her 2023 college graduation, just six weeks after diagnosis of a glioblastoma. A few days after Liza’s crossing, I was attempting to nap when a voice kept repeating three simple sentences. It didn’t stop until I repeated them back… “Life is just a blip. Go enjoy yourself. We’ll be waiting for you.” Nowadays, I’m full-throttle into trying to connect with my girls and sharing their love of life and what I’ve learned from them with others.
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