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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
NEW CO-AFFILIATE LEADER - Helping Parents Heal - Columbus

NEW CO-AFFILIATE LEADER - Helping Parents Heal - Columbus

  • Posted
    • Apr
    • 20
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Please join us in welcoming our newest team member. Joan Kraner will be joining Carol Kauffman in Columbus, Ohio! We are grateful to have her with us. 
Carol Kauffman:
My name is Carol Kauffman, mother to two beautiful adult children - one still with us on Earth and one who transitioned in May, 2020. My son, David Kyle, forever 40, had always lived fully and enthusiastically but had challenges which made his earthly journey often difficult for him. But his gregarious, loving, and hilarious personality surfaced after he passed, and he began sending me, his girlfriend, his father, his sister, and others amazing signs and synchronicities. I began researching everything I could get my hands on about the afterlife, after death communications, and the scientific studies strongly indicating that consciousness does not die. Needless to say, this information plus experiencing first hand the messages from my son convinced me what I think we “Earth spirits" have known deep down all along - we are eternal! Love conquers all! And we will see our beloved children again. My life has been changed in profound ways, and I am humbled and grateful to be able to share my story with others whose children have transitioned in hopes that they, too, may become shining light parents.
Joan Kraner:
Hello, my name is Joan Kraner. Mother to one beautiful soul, Maggie. I am the grandmother to Madison and great grandmother to my heart's delight, Aubree. My daughter and I were on a 15 year journey of surgeries, substance abuse, tears, rehab, jail heartbreak and love before she transitioned in 2020 at age 41. I am forever grateful that we shared every memory, tear and heartache because that journey taught me the true meaning inside my heart, the understanding of unconditional love. I believe my daughter chose me as her mother to help me on my life path. Once she completed her mission, (not that my path was the only reason she was here on this earthly plane) she left us. Since her transition she has visited both Madison and me many times.
I was so happy to become a member of HPH because I have studied mediumship, NDE, psychic abilities, dreams, etc long before Maggie transitioned. I also practice automatic writing, and have done so for many years. Maggie speaks to me through my writing. I also believe my knowledge in all of these subjects helped me in my grief. Madison and I went to a medium a few months after Maggie transitioned and it seemed like she was in the room with us. It was very healing for me and Madison. I listen to NDE podcasts and watch several youtube videos on the NDE subject. I find them to be very helpful and healing. I want to share this with other parents stuck in their grief. I want to grow our Columbus Affiliate to reach as many people as possible.
We meet every 3rd Tuesday of the month at First Community Church, 3777 Dublin Rd, Columbus, Oh 43221.

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