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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Our HPH - UK Affiliate Leader and Points of Contact!

Our HPH - UK Affiliate Leader and Points of Contact!

  • Posted
    • Sep
    • 13
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson

Affiliate Leader

Terri MacDonald:

I am a mother to four children Shayne, Ricki, Carly and Chloe, my son Ricki, forever 23 passed due to an accidental heroin overdose on 30/06/2015. I honestly believe we have a soul agreement and mission together. The pain we all suffer as parents, whatever age in whatever circumstance our child passes, it changes our world forever. I had a spiritual awakening through Rick reaching out to me straight away with amazing signs and synchronicities, I searched for him and we met ‘somewhere in the middle’. From this beautiful place, we are so strongly connected. I developed my Mediumship abilities at my local Inverness Spiritualist Church and supported Mentorship programmes, a huge part of my healing journey. Mediumship is my passion. I recently became an Accredited Medium and an Accredited Tarot Reader. I continue to learn and grow and love to watch other Medium’s work. I believe Ricki and I have a soul mission helping other parents.

Our healing journey is not easy, but I do believe we grow as a soul and go on to finding a purpose, what we came here to do. Becoming UK Affiliate is in my heart and I have no doubt I was guided to meeting Kat and the unfoldment of what lead to me being here. I feel so honoured to connect with such amazing parents and look forward to sharing this amazing space together.

UK Affiliate Leader
Point of Contact for Inverness / Scotland
Monthly HPH meet ups and social gatherings.

Points of Contact

Angela Boughey:

My name is Angela I live in rural Aberdeenshire. I first became involved with HPH 4 years ago after my beautiful daughter Eireann f 22 yrs passed with cancer. We had lost our first daughter Emily as a baby many years prior to this ....

On this journey I have met many parents and I have learnt through this that self-care, love of our children and being with those who understand is a huge support in the process of grief especially in the early days. I used HPH caring listening service at that time and today I volunteer as a caring listener to give back the support I had once received. I trained with David Kessler as a grief educator and met in person at the Conference. My background was nursing for 40 years. I travelled with Terri to that conference as strangers, now friends who met other lifelong friends there. Art, reiki, yoga, wild swimming, meditation, have all become some of my pursuits in soul searching however I have learnt that bringing parents together offers the greatest support in the healing process.


Area covered; Grampian Scotland

Meeting monthly for various interests, coffee, chats, lunches.

Joanna Buckmaster:


I have been an HPH member for many years and support Terri who is the UK lead. I also run a monthly book club. I am married to Philip and have a daughter Anna, who helped set up the Helping Siblings Heal group. Our son Peter passed in 2014 in a car accident, aged 22. He was a very talented drummer. I felt his presence strongly as he passed and started to hear words in my head from that point on. This developed into an ability to channel through writing, and I have sometimes shared my experiences with the group, offering guidance and encouragement to try out this method of communication. We have been blessed with love and support from friends old and new, including those we have met through HPH. We have also received many “reassurances” in the form of spiritual experiences. My desire is to share these experiences with others to give them hope and help them open up to the amazing healing power of spirit.

Area covered:  South-West London area.

Meeting info:  walks/lunches/workshops

Sam Dickenson

My name is Sam and I’m mum to 4 boys. Our youngest, Seth, transitioned in 2021, following a struggle with brain cancer. Despite only being here on earth for 7 years, Seth made a tremendous impact on many people.

We have always felt blessed, not only to have had Seth, but to have had the privilege of making memories with him and helping shine his light for others. After transitioning, Seth strongly showed us with signs and affirmations that he is still with us every day. Discovering HPH about a year after Seth left provided a whole community of likeminded people to share our experiences with. It was a relief to find somewhere to share not only our grief, but also our firm belief that Seth is with us and guiding us every day.

Inspired by Seth, I have set up my own children’s yoga business. I enjoy sound baths, wild swimming, kayaking, walking and travelling and I know that Seth sees it all alongside me.


Area covered; Cornwall

Meeting info; coffee and chat, walks, (monthly or as desired)

Val Griffiths 


Dan, the youngest of my 3 children, passed,, age 26, by accidental overdose in 2019. 

I've since come to understand there are no 'accidents' after reading Your Soul's Plan by Robert Schwartz and experiencing a past life regression, shortly after Dan passed. 

Dan began communicating immediately and our connection has only deepened over time. Inspired writing is one of the ways we connect and he helped me write a book about my grief journey which I published under the title Embracing Grief: A Love Story.... A journey of hope after loss. HPH helped me during some dark times and it's good to pass along that help to others on the path. 

I attend many Zoom meetings, but there is nothing like meeting face to face with another parent. 

I live by the sea in a beautiful part of South Wales. 

Meeting up for coffee, lunches, walks etc. with anyone within an hour's drive, would be wonderful. 

Linda O’Neill:

Areas covered:  County Durham and Darlington (North East England)
Meeting info: coffee and chat meet ups, walks, lunches/workshops.

My name is Linda O’Neill and I am the mother of two wonderful sons Thomas and David. In February 2021, my youngest son David who was 28 years old - passed by suicide. This sudden and life changing event, made me question everything about life and plunged me into a very dark place emotionally. Over the past 2 years, I have developed a very strong connection with David in spirit and I feel his presence with me daily. He sends me so many signs and synchronicities, guiding me to the right people and situations. I am a certified Grief Educator, Reiki Master and Holistic Coach. I also love attending sound baths, conscious breathwork and meditation sessions. Out of this immense pain has emerged the motivation and passion, to reach out to help other parents and help them to navigate their own healing journeys.

Emma Shah:
Area covered:  Berkshire and surrounding areas
Meeting info:  walks/lunches/workshops

I am a mother of two children a son (23) and a daughter Jessie (forever 19). Jessie transitioned on 12/12/21. Jessie, partly due to misadventure, took her own life. I started to sense Jessie a few months after her transition which has helped me knowing she is still with me. I believe Jessie is helping me with my healing journey. I would like there to be more support out there for others grieving such catastrophic loss. I’ve found such love and compassion from other parents that just get it. I’ve completed Reiki I and soon to complete Reiki II and masters. I now practice yoga, breathwork, meditation and energy healing all of which have been a very important part of my journey. I feel we have to allow the grief and emotions to flow and honour them. In my grief journey I found looking at what I can control has helped me. I searched and found ways to both calm my sympathetic nervous system down and release trauma stored in my body. 

Anni Silverdale:

Area covered: Lancashire

Hello, I am Anni.


I am a mum to two stunning children, Lindsey my daughter and my beautiful son in spirit, Anthony xx  He made a choice to  transition on 22.8.22, Forever43. I love to learn how to connect with his amazing energy and I have so many signs from him and conversations with him too. I do feel really called to connect with other grieving parents , and I am currently writing a book to take away the stigma of suicide and to coach and inform readers from such a deep level, deeper than I could ever fathom on my own. You just can’t beat a conversation where someone listens deeply, and you feel truly heard. That’s something I hold dear.

I have been a primary headteacher and consultant, and I bring my energy healing and love of Spirit into working with children and families. This is at the heart of everything I do. I retrained in counselling, authored a book, and trained in Spiritual Coaching to find ways to support my families. 


(Also available on main website; under UK affiliate group)

Terri MacDonald HPH UK Affiliate Leader Caring Listener & Point of
In person group meet ups, coffee/lunches/ workshops/ activities. Monthly meetings.
One to one support.
Area covered – Inverness & Highlands Scotland
Angela Boughey HPH UK Point of Contact & Caring Listener
In person monthly meet ups / activities / art therapy/coffee/lunches. One to one
Area covered – Aberdeen Grampian Scotland
Joanna Buckmaster HPH UK Admin Support & Point of Contact
In person meet ups/lunches/workshops
Area Covered – South West London

Sam Dickenson HPH UK Point of Contact
In person meet ups / coffee/ walks
Monthly or as desired
Area Covered – Cornwall
Val Griffiths HPH UK Point of contact
In person meet ups/ coffee/lunches/walks etc
Area Covered – South Wales and one hour drive radius


Linda O’Neill HPH UK Moving on from Suicide Caring Listener &
Point of Contact
In person meet ups / coffee/ walks/ lunches/workshops
Area Covered – County Durham and Darlington (North East England)
Emma Shah HPH UK Point of Contact
In person meet ups/ walks / lunches/ workshops
Area Covered – Berkshire and surrounding areas


Anni Silverdale HPH UK Moving on from Suicide & Point of Contact
In person meet ups/ coffee/lunches/ workshops
Area covered – Lancashire


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