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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Renee Miller's Validation with her daughter Aurianna through Suzanne Giesemann

Renee Miller's Validation with her daughter Aurianna through Suzanne Giesemann

  • Posted
    • Feb
    • 10
    • 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson

Aurianna & Renee / Suzanne Giesemann


Car ride with Suzanne Giesemann

Excitedly, I awaited getting to pick up Suzanne Giesemann and her beautiful assistant Stephanie from the SF airport, as they were flying in to present at the Expand conference in San Rafael. Listening to Suzanne’s podcasts, taking her course on connection and doing her Hemisync meditations helped me survive the first 2 years after Aurianna transitioned, so you can imagine my excitement!

I was very hopeful Aurianna and my baby Timothy, who passed right after birth, would come through, as they always do together during readings. Suzanne wanted it to be very relaxed and requested that we just chat normally and she would bring through whomever came. 

Rubbing her hands together she said” This is what we are going to do. Let’s just talk and when spirit comes through, I will mention it”. Stephanie, Suzanne’s assistant started taking notes. 

Right away Suzanne saw a rose trellis.  There is a large rose trellis in front of our new house in Marin, county.  We are about to move into the house this month.

Suzanne continued to say, “Someone has half a book written”.  I have written a chapter in another medium’s book of my experiences, but often I have a  feeling I will write my own some day.

Suzanne said, “ One of you (there were two shining light moms in the car) has two in spirit”. She could see my boy was a baby when he passed and did the baby rocking gesture to validate that. 

Suzanne continued to see a lot of tattoos and dark art, which Aurianna had, as she used to express herself through art, both light and dark artwork. Aurianna told Suzanne “the world is my canvas”! Aurianna painted and drew everything, including drawing on her clothes!… She Is a true creative, so this was very validating that she was here!  Suzanne could hear Auri saying” I was my own person”! I have never met another Aurianna, as she was as unique as they come, so this could not be more true!

Suzanne could feel Aurianna’s body being filled up with something at the end of her life, as we believe she could have smoked fentanyl, so that made perfect sense to me. “She went quickly”, she said.

One of my favorite parts of this reading was her validating that Auri is with her sister who is earth-side. She intimated how different they were when Auri was here..exactly true!  She said she worries about her finances (also true). She gave her sister advice to listen to the positive thoughts coming through as “that is me coming through to you”. Aurianna has perspective for her as sometimes her sister listens to her negative thinking a bit too much.

Suzanne continued to see Aurianna cooking in a restaurant kitchen.  It was ironic as Auri was a chef in San Francisco, the city we were driving through at the time! “ Aurianna had her own flair with clothes, her own style”. Very true! “ Did she draw on her clothes’? That she did!

Suzanne saw a statue of an alter boy with a robe that Renee has in her garden at her new house.

Suzanne could see Aurianna throwing her arms around Renee from behind  saying “ I love you”! I love you too my girl… so much!

Suzanne could hear Auri belting out songs, which she did sometimes saying “Don’t mess with my mom”!! Very funny and kind of an inside joke!

A really beautiful part of the reading was Suzanne seeing Timothy and Aurianna’s pinkies locked as saying “together forever”! That is so comforting for a mama who has 2 children in spirit.  An image came across my path later that day of a man and a women’s pinkies locked giving me even more validation they are together!

 As another angel mama was driving the car through the city that day., She was nudged to take a detour. During that ride we saw the most beautiful murals and just knew our kids had wanted us to go that way! Some of the artwork reminded me of Aurianna’s artwork and even had eyes like she used to have in many of her art pieces. So many validations on this trip from the airport, I am eternally grateful for our time together and the beautiful evidence from our children!  This was the perfect gift the week before Aurianna’s 4th year angelversary! Thank you so much, Suzanne and Stephanie!!!

~Renee K. Miller

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