Roxanna Krawczynski's Validation with her son Justin through Susanne Wilson
- Jun
- 23
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Justin and Roxanna/Susanne Wilson
I am so amazed at Susanne Wilson’s gift and thankful that she shares it with us all. I’ve been in 2 of her group readings and she has helped me immensely in my understanding of Justin’s passing and where he is now. Justin was my smart, witty, and talented son in his first year of college. He had a heart attack with no prior symptoms. Susanne knew that he was here one minute and gone the next and that we didn’t get to say goodbye. She said your boy’s telling me that you have managed this better than you thought you would (in terms of not saying goodbye). He’s like “don’t you dare ever say goodbye to me” and as he says it, there’s this charming smile and it's like this broccoli head. You can see from the picture that Justin had curly hair on top. He also said to her it’s really important that I get the point across to you what a relief it was that I didn’t have to go thru chemotherapy and make you guys worry sick before his time to go.
For you, you’re getting the hug from the inside out. It’s like this warmth that just comes in. It’s not a hot flash. It’s a warmth. He’s really trying to hug you and tell you “I’m sorry”. But, he’s good. He says I’m so happy with everything, but he’s sorry he left. It had to be. I was going to go, one way or another. I was going to go. I was leaving Mom, I was leaving.
I’m where we really live Mom. Susanne says he’s showing me this is where we really live. You guys, when are you coming home? I’ll be here. I’ll be here, but you’re the ones that are away. He’s making that super clear.
This has helped me to understand the big picture of what our human eyes can’t see. Our lives here are so short compared to eternity across the veil and planned prior to coming. I now have the will to finish what I came here to accomplish and know that I didn’t have to say goodbye, because Justin will be waiting for me when my time here ends.
Susanne also said “I perfected my swing” is what I hear. My mind wants to make that into baseball, but I’m not being shown a baseball. My heart just melted as I knew what she meant. Justin was a golfer!
~Roxanna Krawczynski
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