Szilvi Major Phillips' Validation from her son Dylan through Fara Gibson
- Dec
- 4
- 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson
It was an amazing afternoon with Fara Gibson at Unity of Phoenix on November 19th. Fara knew exactly what my son was doing before he passed. I knew it was him as soon as she said that he was 'wrenching on a red truck' (fixing a red truck) before his passing. I know it was my sweet Dylan, who was helping his friend fix his red truck.
This was my first time for my son to come through in a group session. Fara is so uplifting and funny. It feels wonderful to be around her. She gave me a validation that my son is with me at all time. She told me that Dylan is with his little girl. He and his wife had a miscarriage before he passed.
Thank you Fara, I’m very grateful.
~Written by Szilvi, Dylan's proud mom.
Please watch the YouTube from November 19th by clicking here.
- Karol Barak's Validation with her daughter Olivia through Alaine Portner
- Mara Navaretta's Validation with her daughter Sabrina through Mark Anthony