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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent
The Wisdom of Greg - All Is Energy  -The Chakras

The Wisdom of Greg - All Is Energy -The Chakras

  • Posted
    • Oct
    • 4
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Written by Susan Van Oije with Bill and Greg
Bill is just an ordinary guy who has had extraordinary things happen to him since the passing of his son Greg. Susan writes it all down. The Calgary, Canada affiliate leaders are on an amazing journey with their son.
When our son Greg was with us on this planet, he loved video games, movies, learning about the cosmos, and hanging out with his friends. His Dad and I can say with great certainty that the chakras were not on his list of interests, and they weren't on our list either. 
But now, from the other side, it's one of his favorite topics to teach us about. Greg has literally become our Guru Guy!
The chakras are invisible to the human eye and scientists say they have no proof of their existence, but for years our son has been telling us in no uncertain terms that they're supremely important to our well-being. Especially in Western society, the chakras are considered by many to be too New-Agey and woo-woo to take seriously. It turns out, they're very serious indeed.
We've learned a lot about our chakras since Greg started talking to his Dad about them two years after he passed 10 years ago at age 27. Bill, who learned shortly after Greg transitioned that he can channel our son, started to have amazing dreams about his own chakras as well.
Here's what Greg recently had to say about the importance of taking care of our chakras, and it's a lot like maintaining a car!:
"These energy centers are critical to maintain the flow of the central Universe through your body, creating your aura and connecting yourself with the energy of the Earth and the Source of all in the cosmos. It maintains your health, your balance in the physical plane, and allows for your intuitive skills and reasoning. It is your life source and your conductors that allow life to happen. They're the connection between spirit, soul and body, and the glue that holds it all together and enables your reality to manifest.
"It is your connection and flow with Oneness in everything. Most pay no attention to these centers, yet it is more important to maintain and keep these free flowing than taking in nourishment and water in order to stay in alignment with your Divine purpose. Everything else is secondary. You spend time eating, exercising, grooming, sleeping. How much time do you spend on your chakras, maintaining them free and clear?
"The chakras use the Universal light to create your brilliance and your aura, like putting fuel in a vehicle. No fuel, no propulsion. Maintain a healthy and open system. Clear out the clogs through a daily chakra meditation to keep the flow at optimum performance." 
So what exactly are the chakras? We are by no means chakra experts - and once we started learning about them we soon discovered the amazing complexity of this ancient energy system that originated in India - so we're happy to stick with Chakras 101:
  • The word chakra means "wheel" and describes a point of energy flow in the body. They are the connection point between our physical body and our spirit body.
  • Our bodies contain seven major spinning disks or wheels of flowing energy that run along the spine. 
  • Each of the seven main chakras have a color and specific area on the spine, from the tailbone to the crown of the head, and a corresponding health focus:
  • Root Chakra (red) is located at the base of the spine and connects to stability and grounding.
  • Sacral Chakra (orange) is located just below the belly button and connects to our creativity and emotions.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow) is located in the upper stomach area and connects to self-esteem and confidence.
  • Heart Chakra (green) is located at the heart center and connects to love and compassion.
  • Throat Chakra (blue) is located at the throat and connects to communication and speaking our truth.
  • Third Eye Chakra (indigo) is located between our eyebrows and connects to our intuition and insight.
  • Crown Chakra (violet) is located at the top of the head and connects to our awareness and spirituality. It's considered the chakra of enlightenment, and is linked to all other chakras.
  • These points of energy in the body should be open, not blocked, and aligned to promote our best emotional and physical well-being and spiritual growth.
Although the chakras can't be seen by the human eye, their existence makes perfect sense because we are all light extensions of what Greg calls the One Universal Mind, our Source and Creator. It's no coincidence that the chakra colors are the colors of white light passing through a prism.
There are many different ways to explore your chakras. I discovered a 15-minute video that I find relaxing: 15 Minute Chakra Balance Guided Meditation (, but there are literally thousands of videos from which to choose based on your preference. Greg has recommended to us that we envision the chakra colors in our mind while doing a chakra meditation, and here's Bill's practice: "I concentrate on the color of the chakra to get the energy flowing so the color overwhelms my whole internal view, then I know that the chakra is open." Early in our journey, we bought a book called Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith, PhD, that is a practical, illustrated guide to the chakra system. Our daughter Kristin has a regular yoga practice that opens up and balances the chakras with corresponding poses. 
Greg says, "All is energy," and not only are we energy, but everything we see and experience - including our planet Earth and the cosmos - is energy and emits a vibration. What is your vibration? What are you putting out there? How do you feel? The more we tap into our chakras and align with our Source energy, the more we feel our connection to the Universe and we raise our light and vibration. Our kids can see when we raise our light. Let's turn up our light, Shining Light Parents!
If you want to hear more about our amazing experiences, Bill and I have twice spoken to HPH and the videos are available on the HPH YouTube channel: click here HPH welcomed Susan & Bill Van Oije, 'From Wow to How!' ( for our most recent video detailing the beautiful messages Greg gives us about how to live our best life in this very challenging place and grow our souls, and click here On February 3rd, Bill Van Oije spoke to Helping Parents Heal ( for the video in which Bill shares some of the astounding signs we've received from our son. 

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