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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
The Wisdom of Greg by Susan and Bill Van Oije - Greg Has Our Books

The Wisdom of Greg by Susan and Bill Van Oije - Greg Has Our Books

  • Posted
    • Jan
    • 2
    • 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson
Written by Susan Van Oije with Bill and Greg
Bill is just an ordinary guy who has had extraordinary things happen to him since the passing of his son Greg. Susan writes it all down. The Calgary, Canada affiliate leaders are on an amazing journey with their son. 

After writing a dozen monthly columns for the HPH newsletter about our astounding journey with our son-in-spirit Greg, I said to Bill that I hoped Greg was okay with them. We've shared some very personal details about his life here, including his struggles with drug addiction. I knew Greg had read the columns I'd written, because he sees everything that goes on in our lives.

Greg's answer to my question through his Dad - who discovered shortly after our 27-year-old son passed 10 years ago that he can hear Greg talk to him - was stunning. Greg said, "I've even read the ones you haven't written yet!"

How is that possible? How has Greg already read columns that I haven't written yet? How does he see the future, a future that his Dad and I haven't even experienced yet?

Greg explained: "I have books with your names on them."

Greg telling us that he has books with our names on them must be what many of us who are on this journey of discovery have come to understand as the Akashic Records. Found in a non-physical plane of existence, the Akashic Records are a repository of all information - including every thought, word and deed - of the soul's past, present and possible futures. In the Old Testament of the Bible, these records are called The Book of Life, a record of every life kept in Heaven.

I said to Bill that it's interesting Greg has access to our books, because knowing what's written in those books is I'm sure not a responsibility that is handed out willy-nilly to anyone who asks for them. Greg explained that he can access our books if it's out of love and "for the higher good."

In last month's column, we talked about how Greg has taught us that time does not exist, but our Source created time for us on Earth to provide a sequential yardstick against which to measure our progress with our soul's plan. On the other side, all of our departed children live in a constant state of the present moment in a beautiful place of pure consciousness that transcends time.

That fact made me wonder how souls on the other side are able to watch us in our timeline because they are beyond time where they are.

Bill immediately heard Greg answer: "It's like frames of time. It's like a book. Each page is a frame and I flip to the page that I want to enter for the timeline." 

Greg explained how he can see our future: "Where I am, all times are present at all times. Makes it very interesting based on what time you focus on. You do not have that luxury in your reality."

Greg often tells us that when we start to accept that everything is happening exactly as it's meant to happen, "there is no disappointment or fear or regrets about the circumstances because all is as it should be. This is for learning...There are no mistakes. The book is already in print, just playing out for you in real time.

"This is your linear world, exactly as you knew it would be and unfold, and the ending is beautiful and the journey is to be enjoyed...Many are here to guide you." We know that Greg is our guide, and understanding that he is able to see our future makes him an incredibly important mentor as he helps us with our journey in this very challenging place.

It can be quite unsettling for some to accept that how our life unfolds has to a large extent been determined by our soul planning before we incarnated here, because it very strongly implies that we have no control over how our life's story plays out. The soul plan that we made before we came to Earth was prepared with the input of the souls who became our children, as part of the intensely collaborative, committed and infinite bond of love that we have with them.

I believe the major milestones of our life are already determined in our soul plan, although what makes this Earth School so unique and full of opportunities for soul growth is that we have free will as well, and to some extent can change our path based on the choices we make. But as Greg reminds us, "Everything, and I mean everything that you experience, is planned and delivered to you with the utmost love to aid you in your fulfillment of your destiny here on earth."

Greg has revealed his ability to see our future many times. I trust (most of the time!) that all will be well regardless of what's going to happen in the future and I know I'm here for learning, so I'm not often tempted to take advantage of Greg's foresight. But a few years ago I asked Bill to ask Greg a question about a mundane aspect of my earthly existence. 

We had to have two old skylights in our home replaced and I called around and chose an installer with the best price. I was anxious on installation day because it was a big expense and I was worried that the replacements might not fix the leaks. I hesitated asking Greg, but I knew that he knew how this was going to turn out, so I asked Bill to ask Greg if the new skylights would fix our problem.

Bill went quiet for a moment and listened for Greg's reply in his head, and he heard Greg say, "It will be done right." I immediately laughed! I hadn't told Bill this, but the name of the company I hired to install our skylights was Done Right Roofing.

As we continue our soul's journey here on Earth, all Shining Light Parents can take comfort in the fact that our children are always with us, guiding us whether we are aware of it or not, and sending us so much love and support. They see our lives from the bird's eye view, and they may have checked out our books from the heavenly library!

As Greg once reminded me through his Dad, as breathtaking as it may seem: "Remember Mom, I know how all this ends."

If you want to hear more about our amazing experiences, Bill and I have twice spoken to HPH and the videos are available on the HPH YouTube channel: click here HPH welcomed Susan & Bill Van Oije, 'From Wow to How!'  for our video detailing the beautiful messages Greg gives us about how to live our best life in this very challenging place and grow our souls, and click here On February 3rd, Bill Van Oije spoke to Helping Parents Heal for the video in which Bill shares some of the astounding signs we've received from our son. 

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