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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
The Wisdom of Greg by Susan and Bill Van Oije - Your Most Important Relationship

The Wisdom of Greg by Susan and Bill Van Oije - Your Most Important Relationship

  • Posted
    • Feb
    • 5
    • 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson

Written by Susan Van Oije with Bill and Greg

Bill is just an ordinary guy who has had extraordinary things happen to him since the passing of his son Greg. Susan writes it all down. The Calgary, Canada affiliate leaders are on an amazing journey with their son. 


This is by far the most challenging column we've written. It is also by far the most important. 

It's the most challenging because we know that some parents who are reading this will not be open to hearing what we've learned from our son Greg. Some parents who have had a child transition are angry with God, and they can't understand why a loving God would allow a child to pass. They've lost faith in their connection to their Source - if that connection was even there to begin with. 

This makes what we are about to say such a leap for some, but it's such an important message that Greg wants to share with those willing to listen: Your most important relationship is with your Source.

Greg has told his Dad - who discovered shortly after our son passed that he can hear Greg talk to him - that where he is on the other side, that connection and alignment to Source is as natural as breathing is to us on Earth. We are all naturally connected to the Source of all things, but daily events here distract us from that connection. And as we all know, the passing of a child is an event like no other.

It's always a personal choice to decide what your relationship with your Source will be after a child's passing: Will it strengthen as you lean in to receive comfort and stay open to the miracles that can come out of tragedy? Will it change as your understanding of what you need from the relationship evolves? Will your faith be wiped out altogether? Will it convince you that it is as you knew all along: There is no God?

It's important to clarify here that when we talk about God and Source and the One that we are NOT talking about religion. We are talking about what we have come to learn through Greg's messages as Oneness: The fact that we and everything in creation are from the same Source, and it's a fundamental and primary relationship. We also understand that it's a very personal relationship, so as they say, take what you want from this column and leave the rest. As the powerful captain of your own soul, you can decide what you choose to believe. But we're just saying...Your most important relationship is with your Source.

Greg has told us "so many are cut off from the knowing and connection. They react to their story by coming in with the emotional tide and going out with the emotional tide, constantly being crashed on the rocks of their reality. This need not be so, and our communication has been designed around the knowledge that you are not a bottle in the water being crashed upon the shore, but a deep loving light of connection, and when connected, enjoying the stillness of the deep ocean, not the crashing waves.

"You are in control, not your circumstances or your negative emotions to those circumstances and situations. Once you are re-established with the Source and are in alignment, nothing can affect you, for you are managing the Universe by not responding to your story, and it will respond in kind. Instead, you are in a place of love, peace and joy, living life to its fullest and maintaining a steady as she goes approach, drawing in the positive vibe for you to enjoy and use for your manifestations.

"It was never intended to be chaos, but the separation and ego in control create a reaction based on lack of faith, trust and belief extreme, and creates lack and fear. You are connection, you are one with all, and your vibration raises you and everything else to a higher vibrational response."

Greg encourages us all to know who we really are: As a creation of Source, we are Source, and powerful and magnificent far beyond our current understanding. 

If our connection with our Source is not accessed and maintained, then Greg says we're going through life without a road map and an engine in our car. Navigating life without the alignment and guidance of our spiritual Divine wisdom means we're not going anywhere. "Many are in a directionless, no motion state, just existing within the story with no purpose or plan to their travels. The purpose, the plan, is to understand that you are here to grow your understanding of yourself and the place you occupy in the cosmos. To be aware of the connection to all that exists and to learn and trust that all that happens to you is part of the road map you are following.

"Believe that the map will fill in as it shows you the next lessons you are to learn and understand, and to have faith that you are being guided by the One and all those who are here to enhance the experience of those listening and aware...The awareness this reality exists beyond the reaches of the Earth is important so you have context.

"There is much more than what is happening in front of your senses. Be aware and help put into perspective that you are so much more than your experience for your short time on Earth. Make the most of the lessons, knowing it is only a brief glimpse into a reality that will fade and become a very short time of your total existence into a myriad of experiences and ways. That is the big picture, and gives you an understanding of how important it is to put the Earth experience into perspective."

So how do we align our energy with the Source of all light? Greg says we can achieve this alignment by watching our thoughts and feelings. He guides us to regularly ask, 'What is my connection right now?' Are we tapping into higher vibrational feelings like love, gratitude and acceptance? Or are we experiencing lower vibrational feelings like fear and anger? "If something doesn't feel right, you are not aligned to Source. Keep checking until all thoughts are free of any fear and angst. Be at peace and be aligned to the One. Anything else is a distraction from who you are, and that causes pain and suffering."

Meditating, focusing your attention on your breath, being still, being in nature, prayer and practicing yoga are all pathways to alignment with your Source. You know when you're in the flow and aligned with your Source: Life feels more easy, because you're floating with the stream instead of pushing a rock up a hill.

We encourage you - as Greg has encouraged us - to get a road map and put an engine in your car. Navigate your life's journey with the help of your loving Source. 

If you want to hear more about our amazing experiences, Bill and I have twice spoken to HPH and the videos are available on the HPH YouTube channel: click here HPH welcomed Susan & Bill Van Oije, 'From Wow to How!'  for our video detailing the beautiful messages Greg gives us about how to live our best life in this very challenging place and grow our souls, and click here On February 3rd, Bill Van Oije spoke to Helping Parents Heal for the video in which Bill shares some of the astounding signs we've received from our son. 

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