The Wisdom of Greg - Specific Greg and Comprehensive Greg
- Aug
- 4
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Written by Susan Van Oije with Bill and Greg
Bill is just an ordinary guy who has had extraordinary things happen to him since the passing of his son Greg. Susan writes it all down. The Calgary, Canada affiliate leaders are on an amazing journey with their son.
Greg recently told us the mind-boggling and amazing reason why the messages his Dad channels from him often don't sound anything like the Greg we knew during his time with us here on Earth.
We recently shared one of Greg's guiding messages at an HPH Calgary Zoom meeting, and one of the parents asked, "Is that how Greg talked when he was here?" While we had Greg with us for 27 years, we knew he was extremely intelligent, sensitive and had a wonderful sense of humor, but still waters ran deep with him and he wasn't a very forthcoming communicator. There was no talk of Oneness or the fact that the Universe runs on love, no talk of the importance of aligning with our God and Creator, and no beautifully constructed discourses with evocative language on a vast range of topics about how to live our best lives and grow our souls.
But Bill instantly knows that it's Greg talking to him. He discovered after Greg passed 10 years ago that he could hear Greg talking to him in his head and communicate with him in extremely vivid dreams, and starting seven years ago, Bill has been automatic writing messages from Greg that are at a whole new level of astounding communication - and Greg has told us why.
Our son explains that he communicates with us in two forms: Specific Greg and Comprehensive Greg. Greg raised the concept of Specific Greg and Comprehensive Greg a few months ago, and it made me curious to find out more. I asked Bill to ask Greg about the difference between the two, and here's what Greg said:
"You know Specific Greg. He's your son. Comprehensive Greg is a compilation of all the reincarnations that I've ever gone through and all the information compiled into that Spirit, including Specific Greg. Dealing with Specific Greg can be somewhat limiting for me because I have access to so much more experiences and information over the eons as Comprehensive Greg. Each one of those reincarnations has specific skills and talents.
"When you deal with me you can interact with Specific Greg or Comprehensive Greg, whatever you like. This is fun also for me, to change it up as required."
And Greg talked about how the comprehensive soul participates in soul planning: "When we did your soul plan, Dad, that was Comprehensive Bill and Comprehensive Greg and a few others putting the soul plan together so that you could become Specific Bill and I would become Specific Greg."
Greg went on to explain that the dominant soul of your Spirit is your comprehensive soul, what I believe is another term for what I've learned is our oversoul, the collection of our experiences from our multiple reincarnations.
Bill and I know when we're hearing from Specific Greg - our son who reminisces about childhood memories and shares his humorous insights - or Comprehensive Greg - our son who is so wise and patient as he guides us with Universal truths and infinite love, and sometimes Greg's messages are a mixture of the two. We have many hundreds of examples of what I call 'The Wisdom of Greg', but to give you an idea of what Comprehensive Greg sounds like, here's a recent message from him about the meaning of the word bittersweet, a word that I believe sums up what it's like to live on this planet:
"Hi Dad. This is a fact, not only for you but all humans residing on Earth. Earth is a special place where bitter is mixed with sweet. This is one of the few places within the Universe where this yin and yang exists, where light is mixed with dark, where joy precedes angst, and anger leads to peace. This back and forth, this to and fro, is not a mistake. This is the challenges on Earth facing human beings, this giving and this taking. Why, you ask? Why, everyone asks.
"Because in a three-dimensional world, and especially a school for learning in the 3D, it pushes one out of complacency and forces that one forward in hope to improve the circumstance. This is the test, to be motivated to stretch for something more than the situation at hand. The hardship forces learning, acceptance, gratitude, peace, Oneness and love. It makes you strive for more good, more joy, more happiness, and more of a better place. It forces dreams of how it could be and what you need to do to accomplish that.
"And even if all the dreaming of a better life and a better world do not come to fruition, it makes you a better person trying to build a utopian world of love from this broken and imperfect world. It pushes you towards becoming teachable and the best you can be while enduring the troubles, challenges and hardships that are there to make you try to be a little bit more 5D (meaning a higher vibratory plane of existence) than the day, the minute and the second before you wrote this down. It forces you to stretch for a world beyond the fallen one you experience. It creates a desire to build a new world and feel good about doing that. It attempts to create and experience the knowing of joy and happiness and being OK in knowing the hope you have is not misplaced, and it's possible and attainable with a high vibrational approach to your reality you are manifesting. It keeps you striving for more of a good thing, a new reality that you help to create.
"Keep getting up and moving this dream forward into a reality that you know is better than the current one. A gentler place of Oneness where you learn and grow because to not makes no sense anymore. Love you, Greg"
Greg is (and I believe all of our children are) in a higher dimension with a bird's eye view, and he's accessing information and wisdom that he's collected over untold numbers of reincarnations. Our children are magnificent! And guess what, Shining Light Parents? So are we.
If you want to hear more about our amazing experiences, Bill and I have twice spoken to HPH and the videos are available on the HPH YouTube channel: click here HPH welcomed Susan & Bill Van Oije, 'From Wow to How!' (youtube.com) for our most recent video detailing the beautiful messages Greg gives us about how to live our best life in this very challenging place and grow our souls, and click here On February 3rd, Bill Van Oije spoke to Helping Parents Heal (youtube.com) for the video in which Bill shares some of the astounding signs we've received from our son.
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