Tracey Hamilton's Validation with her daughter Amy through Stacey Lynn Cripps
- Jul
- 26
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Amy / Stacey Lynn Cripps / Amy golfing with her dad (front) sister Jackie & brother-in-law Ryan This is the keepsake I’m giving to everyone at the golf tournament next weekend
Our daughter Amy transitioned early December 2023. In May, I learned about Helping Parents Heal through Suzanne Giesemann ( she had mentioned the organization in one of her YouTube videos). Since then, I have read many of the recommended books, watched many HPH videos & attended several of their zoom gallery readings. I’m always amazed at the messages that come through.
This week I had asked Amy to come through in a reading & to specifically mention golf. I had also asked her to contact a medium while I wasn’t there & give them a message for me. She did not disappoint.
Stacey Cripps brought through a girl with very long light coloured hair (her hair was past her waist & very blonde) and also mentioned a golf course. As soon as she said that I knew it was Amy. Amy loved to golf with her friends & her dad. Next weekend we are holding a golf tournament in her honour to raise money for diabetes. Stacey said Amy helped me put together the keepsake bags which I had just finished doing yesterday. I was talking to her the whole time I was making up the bags and I knew she was there helping me. Stacey said she would be ‘front & center’ at the tournament which Amy always was when it came to social gatherings. . Stacey mentioned Amy wanting to make her laugh and her beautiful smile. Amy was always such a jokester and had an incredibly infectious loud & bubbly personality. She also mentioned feeling her heart flutter in her chest which I now realize was my heart fluttering the exact time she mentioned it.
So many other things about Amy were spot on. Stacey mentioned a girl had popped into another reading earlier that day mentioning diamond girl/lady which she later realized was Amy coming through for me which she repeated at this reading. I had asked Amy to do this. Over the course of the last three months I have been working so hard to connect. Amy is recognizing this & is proud of me. She mentioned signs that Amy is sending me. A grasshopper (I saw one last month and hadn’t seen one in years) & other flying things outside. I’ve seen a dragonfly, monarch butterflies, cardinals etc and Stacey said Amy is sending them to me. Stacey also said I was hearing Amy and although I sometimes wonder if I’m imagining it, I now know in my heart that it’s really her.
I can see why Carly (Irene’s daughter) brought Amy through. For one thing, one of Amy’s best friends here is Karlee. She had a visitation dream from Amy not long after her transitioning & is probably one of the main reasons I started my spiritual journey. Carly & Amy also sound so much alike. Amy really loves kids. She majored in psychology at university & had her ECE (early childhood education) certificate. She had previously worked at a daycare and the last conversation I had with her (just days before she transitioned) we had talked about her finding a job to help other kids with diabetes. Stacey said she was now doing that which made my heart fill with so much love & pride. Finally she mentioned she has her purses which made me laugh. Amy loved purses and had quite a few in her collection. I’m so glad she is still doing everything she loves on the other side and that our children are all there together.
I can’t thank HPH enough for the healing they have & are continuing to give me and countless other parents who are on this journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
With love,
~Tracey Hamilton
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