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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Wendy Towle's Validation with her son Trevor through Amy Utsman

Wendy Towle's Validation with her son Trevor through Amy Utsman

  • Posted
    • Nov
    • 1
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson

Trevor / Amy Utsman

It was my first time attending a Gallery Reading.

So first, wow! As soon as Amy Utsman described Trevor, his age and body size was remarkable and then as she shared about his COD I knew.

Trevor was hit by a commuter train near our house. The authorities first said it was intentional but later we were told it was an accident.

He is 1 of 3 and I had a miscarriage. I hadn’t told him this. But I journaled it in September. His due date was the same as my angel baby.

He is very smart, brilliant actually. Gifted. He is snarky and sweet. He had the best smile. He charmed folks with his smile and eyes. They were two different colors.

He definitely would have wanted to be seen as the man of the house. Lol. He didn’t like when folks teased about his height. He was a slow to grow kid. He looked younger and was very slender.

His dad and I aren’t together, but we are still in our home.

I did have a birthday on 10/12.

Also, I do hear him call for me, he says 'mom.'

The billboard I’m thinking about is the one in town that features announcements, such as deaths. His was on the billboard last winter. I think about it every time I drive through town.

He has come to me in dreams, and I want more visits. I see signs, but not all in my family believe. 

~With love, Wendy

Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.  

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