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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Yelena's Validation with her son Iggy through Suzanne Giesemann

Yelena's Validation with her son Iggy through Suzanne Giesemann

  • Posted
    • Feb
    • 13
    • 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson

Iggy and Yelena / Suzanne Giesemann / Yelena's Eagles T-Shirt

My dear shining light parents! I’d like to share an amazing EAGLE story. On February 9th (right before SUPER BOWL) I was so blessed and really fortunate to be able to attend a Hilton Head/Bluffton, SC meeting in person with special guest, the amazing Suzanne Giesemann, while visiting Savannah for a few days. I met so many beautiful parents in the charming and elegant home of Irene and Tony. 

From the very beginning of my trip, I was receiving many signs from my son Igor (we called him IGGY). I knew he was traveling with me and something amazing was just about to happen. 

Irene opened a meeting with the HPH mission statement, then we introduced ourselves and finally Suzanne got up and briefly spoke about her upcoming documentary which I can’t wait to see. 

Then she said “I usually don’t like to do gallery readings but I’m going to give you guys few messages from your kids. I also don’t see spirits like other mediums do and I don’t get their names. I just feel them”. 

And she went on channeling messages from the kids and although there were a few validations from my son and I raised my hand a few times, Suzanne kept saying “I don’t think it’s him, I don’t feel a connection to him….”

“Yet… hehe” - I’ve heard familiar voice and giggling in my head. 

All of a sudden Suzanne asked - “Does EAGLE mean a sign for anyone?”

“Yes!!!” I shouted, “I flew here from Philadelphia, EAGLES are playing Super Bowl tonight and I have my t-shirt with an eagle in my bag that I ordered especially for this trip and was supposed to wear to this meeting but forgot to put on”

She looked at me and said “Yes! This one is definitely for you! Your son is here” and she gave me beautiful messages from him!

I couldn’t believe that I just got a short but so meaningful and unforgettable reading from Suzanne Giesemann!

The next morning, I was flying back home. While waiting for my flight at the airport, I checked my news feed. There was a post from another medium and beautiful friend - Lisa Wilcoxson. “Congratulations to my IGGLES fans, you know who you are!” I knew this message was definitely for me…

Wait! Whattt? Did she just say IGGLES?

So, Suzanne, who “DOESN’T (hehe) get names from spirits” called out my son’s name, without even knowing it??? And Lisa pointed it out??? Wow!

I looked out the window - our plane was getting ready. The big red letters AMERICAN EAGLE shined on a craft like a cherry on a cake. 

Thank you Irene and Tony, Lisa and Suzanne, words cannot express my gratitude, and thank you, my amazing son Igor, for always being there with me. 

~IGGY’s mom, Yelena

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