I came to this group because my spectacular 19 year-old son passed through the eternal veil due to an accidental drug overdose. I'm saying this out loud because when it comes to shame about addiction and overdose, I also say "In my family tree, the shame ends with me." Beginning the day my son overdosed, I saw many indications that there was more to the story than meets the eye (or other human senses). I now refer to them simply as "signs" that the spirit realm was communicating information to me. For a long time after, I was devastated and riddled with remorse that I wasn't able to grasp these signs and I wasn't able to prevent his death.
After many conversations on Helping Parents Heal sites and a bunch of personal exploration and work, I came to learn that we all sovereign and have our own path. My son's physical death broke me, and then it broke me open to the realization that we are ALL energy. I cannot hug him in the flesh anymore, yet I can still have a very loving and rich relationship with him in his non-physical form. Knowing that I can sense him and still be with him brings me a profound sense of peace. His transition into the spirit realm has led me to discover amazing healing modalities that I love to share with others facing difficult challenges. I am grateful to be a part of Helping Parents Heal and walk with other parents on this journey. While no parent chooses this path, we welcome you to our meetings with our hearts wide open.